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Residents in desert regions are scrambling to find options for drought resistant grass. As you may imagine, living in a desert climate means that rainfall tends to be scarce. As such, local governments place stringent water restrictions on residents to help conserve the precious natural resource. What’s the first thing to go? A lawn full of water-thirsty natural grass, which is the largest consumer of water in a typical household. Instead, homeowners are searching for drought tolerant landscaping.

While there are a plethora of options for a drought resistant grass, many are choosing artificial lawnsfor their homes, and it’s pretty easy to see why.

First and foremost, you still have a lawn. This is probably the most appealing aspect of artificial turf over other xeriscaping options. With a yard full of native vegetation, which is a recommended method for drought resistant landscaping, you will have no grass. There will be different plants and bushes dispersed throughout the yard along with rocks, gravel or sand. While this will in fact reduce your water usage, it leaves you without a place for your kids to play or for your dogs to exercise. By choosing synthetic grass, homeowners are not sacrificing the luxury of having usable, enjoyable yard space.

Next, artificial grass is incredibly low maintenance. While drought tolerant plants are easier to maintain than natural grass, they still require some attention, like trimming, pruning, fertilizing or more. Also, mulch beds require regular applications in order to continue looking great. Synthetic grass is as low maintenance of a yard as you can get. You will have to occasionally pick up debris, leaves and other particles that have fallen on the turf. Also, run a broom or rake over the grass every once in a while to keep the fibers upright and replenish the infill. Other than those two tasks, your artificial lawn is maintenance free.

And lastly, it looks just like real grass. Aesthetically speaking, a lawn full of bright green grass is much more striking than the browns of native vegetation and rocks. Plus, it continues to look great year after year, not matter the season or the severity of the drought.

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